
Students' Toolkit for Civic Learning through Debate

The students' Toolkit is aimed at:

1) encouraging independent learning activities by students

2) contributing to the organization of self-learning environments

3) promoting peer-to-peer teaching and learning

4) equipping the students with basic knowledge on debate formats, argumentation, debate strategies

to be able to engage in the debate activities which will address most pressing issues of contemporary European society such as migration, European Identity and ideals, environmental issues and problems connected with political participation and changes in political sphere.

A structured database of main civic motions for students is part of the toolkit.

You can download toolkits in English, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian, Lithuanian or Finnish language below.

English version

Debating as a New Approach to Learning

Interactive Students’ Toolkit for Civic Learning through Debate

Italian version

L’Educazione Civica attraverso il Debate

Tutorial Interattivo per gli studenti

Spanish version

Debatir como nuevo enfoque del aprendizaje

Caja de herramientas interactiva para el aprendizaje cívico a través del debate

Slovenian version

Debata kot nov pristop k učenju

Interaktivna vadnica za učence_ke za državljansko učenje skozi debato

Finnish version

Väittely uutena lähestymistapana oppimiseen

Interaktiivinen opiskelijoiden työkalupakki kansalaisoppimiseen väittelyn kautta

Lithuanian version

Debatai kaip naujas požiūris į mokymąsi

Interaktyvi debatų mokymo priemonė pilietiškumo pamokose