Types of motions flashcards


With this exercise you will master the definitions of value, fact and policy motion by getting better at recognizing them in real life debates.


Flexible, could be adjusted to every situation. This activity perfectly suits the needs of both groups and solo learners. When done in groups it could be turned into a quick game/quiz to make it funnier.


Practice the definitions of policy, fact and value motions on Quizlet. You will find a set of 30 motions, based on the explanations given in the previous table and try to guess what type they fall into.


  • This House believes violence in media causes violence in society - FACT
  • THBT Deng Xiao Ping was a greater Chinese leader than Mao Ze Dong - VALUE
  • This house would ban child marriage - POLICY
  • This House believes video games make more harm than good - VALUE
  • This house would not allow children to take part in talent shows - POLICY
  • This house believes that online activism is counterproductive - VALUE
  • This house would not punish those who live below the poverty line for economic crimes (e.g. theft) - POLICY
  • This house would require individuals to pass a political knowledge test in order to vote - POLICY
  • This house believes happiness is the meaning of life - VALUE
  • This House would ban make up in middle schools - POLICY
  • This house believes that mixed sex schools are better than unisex schools - VALUE
  • This house believes that marriage is an outdated institution - VALUE
  • This house believes the Internet is a public good - FACT
  • This house would create quotas for women in high public offices. - POLICY
  • This house believes that Artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence within the next 20 years. - FACT
  • This house believes that veganism is the best way to live. - VALUE
  • This house believes that the colonization of Mars is achievable within the next 30 years. - FACT
  • This house believes Shakespeare is the world’s greatest writer - VALUE
  • This house would ban pre-election polls - POLICY
  • This house regrets the rise of consumerism - VALUE
  • This house believes it is in the interest of the Indian people for India to align with the West. - FACT
  • This house believes that the discovery of extraterrestrial life is more likely than not within the next century. - FACT
  • This house believes that the EU should create a standing army - POLICY
  • This house prefers a world where all children are randomly reassigned to a new parent at birth. - VALUE