Three POIs


Think of the debate topic “This house would ban private cars in city centers” and try coming up with 3 questions that fit these uses.

Information Gathering
Questions allow debaters to gather relevant information and facts from their opponents. By asking strategic questions, debaters can extract key details, evidence, or perspectives that can be used to strengthen their own arguments or expose weaknesses in the opponent's position.

Challenging Assumptions
Questions in a debate can challenge the underlying assumptions or premises on which an argument is based. By questioning the foundational principles or beliefs, debaters can prompt their opponents to critically evaluate and justify their position.

Clarification and Elaboration

Questions help to clarify and expand upon arguments and statements made by the opposing side. Through thoughtful questioning, debaters can request additional explanations, evidence, or examples to gain a deeper understanding of their opponent's perspective. This can assist in identifying potential inconsistencies or gaps in their reasoning.

Uncovering Inconsistencies

Questions in a debate can expose inconsistencies, contradictions, or logical fallacies in the opponent's argument. By carefully crafting questions that highlight discrepancies or weaknesses, debaters can challenge the credibility and coherence of their opponent's position.

Framing the Narrative

Questions allow debaters to shape the narrative and guide the direction of the debate. By strategically framing questions, debaters can bring attention to specific aspects of the topic or force the opponent to address certain issues, thus influencing the focus and flow of the debate.

Rebuttal and Refutation

Questions serve as a powerful tool for rebuttal and refutation. Through targeted questions, debaters can challenge the validity of their opponent's evidence, point out logical fallacies, or present counter arguments This allows them to directly address and undermine the opponent's claims