Drawing Argument


Drawing arguments using mind maps can be a helpful visual tool for organizing and presenting complex ideas.


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to draw arguments using mind maps.

Start with the main argument
Write the main argument or topic at the center of the page. Draw a circle or box around it to emphasize its centrality.

Identify supporting points
Think about the key supporting points or sub-arguments that contribute to the main argument. These points should logically connect to and reinforce the main argument.

Branch out the supporting points
Create branches radiating out from the main argument, with each branch representing a supporting point. Label each branch with a concise statement summarizing the supporting point.

Add evidence and examples
For each supporting point, consider including evidence or examples that further strengthen the argument. Draw smaller branches or lines extending from the supporting points and label them with relevant evidence or examples.

Connect the ideas
Look for connections and relationships between the supporting points. Draw lines or arrows between related points to illustrate how they interact or build upon each other. This helps demonstrate the logical flow of the argument.

Find an illustrative Argumentation mind map on this online resource: Argument Mapping | Advancement Courses

And consider using online tools to develop your mind maps like:

Mind Map Maker | Lucidspark

Create a Free Mind Map Online | Mural

Create your Mind Maps online and on any device | MindMeiste