Context Analysis Worksheet


Suitable both for solo learners and groups


The exercise presents a worksheet with useful questions to guide you when working on the context of a motion. Read the motion listed below and do the tasks.

Motion - “This House would limit media coverage of mass shootings”

Identify and describe at least two critical points related to the problem determined by the status quo.

(See Answer 1)


Describe current and future social trends that could be influenced by limiting media coverage of mass shootings.

(See Answer 2)


Provide at least one historical parallel that supports your position on limiting media coverage of mass shootings.

(See Answer 3)


Identify and explain the underlying principles connecting the critical points, social trends, and historical parallels.

(See Answer 4)

Answer 1
  • The sensationalist media coverage of mass shootings often leads to copycat crimes, as potential perpetrators may seek notoriety and attention.
  • Excessive media coverage can perpetuate fear and anxiety among the general public, creating a sense of insecurity and negatively impacting mental health.
Answer 2
  • Current trends show an increase in polarization and the spread of misinformation through the media. Limiting coverage of massacres could reduce the amplification effect of these negative trends.
  • In the future, we may witness a greater awareness of the psychological harm caused by excessive media coverage, prompting people to support coverage limitations to protect societal mental health.
Answer 3

In the past, a restrictive media approach to sensitive topics such as suicide has shown significant benefits. When the media began treating suicide with greater caution, a decrease in suicide cases was observed, suggesting that a similar limitation could positively impact the frequency of mass shootings.

Answer 4
  • The underlying principle is the media’s responsibility in balancing freedom of information with social responsibility. Limiting coverage of massacres aims to reduce the negative effects resulting from the promotion of violence, protecting public safety and mental health.
  • Additionally, historical parallels demonstrate that a restrictive approach to sensitive topics can lead to positive outcomes, supporting the argument for a similar limitation in the coverage of mass shootings.