Lithuania: The teachers’ comments

Lithuanian delegation

Project “Debate as a new approach to learning” in Italy- ITE TOSI Busto Arsizio left a great impression.

Already on the day of arrival, we especially liked the interesting method of getting to know each other, during which the students had the opportunity to communicate, collect information about each other and present it.

Later on, the students were involved in various and interesting activities, learning debate both theoretically and practically. The division into groups with a student from a different country is especially appreciated. It provides an opportunity to get to know each other and make friends, to perform various, well-organized activities.

The debate theory trainings were very useful. They were followed by practical debate sessions, during which they applied the acquired theoretical knowledge.

On our part, the teachers, new experiences will be applied in the education process of students and teachers in our Moletai gymnasium. The information will be shared with the Lithuanian Debate Center and the publication “Debating as a New Approach to Learning” Interactive Students’ Toolkit for Civic Learning through Debate, will be presented.

The students who participated in the project will continue their activities not only at school, but also in the activities of the Lithuanian Debate Center. Organized project activities were very interesting, creative and useful. We are very grateful to the organizers, lecturers of this project for their care, organization, sincerity, hospitality and professionalism in organizing this international project.

Vita Maželienė, a teacher, Lithuania