Lithuania: The students’ comments

Lithuanian delegation 2

The Erasmus project "Debate as a new approach to learning" was delightful. We visited 2 wonderful countries: Slovenia and Italy. We were very pleased with the debate activities that were presented to us. A lot of these activities made us practice our public speaking and logical reasoning skills. Both of which are needed for a successful debate. We are happy that the activities focused on these skills. One of the most memorable and fun activities was in Italy with a throwable microphone. All of the participants from different countries sat in a circle and threw each other a microphone. The one who caught it had to present a motion and explain it. The remaining participants had to come up with arguments for or against the motion and poke holes in the motion. This activity was very fun because we got to speak in front of people we didn't know yet and present a motion at random which gave the exercise an element of surprise. The tour around Milan was great. We visited Milan's cathedral. It was a very stunning sight to see, but the fencing activities and the Opera house were the best parts.

The before mentioned people we didn't know became our friends. Us Lithuanians got along very well with The Finns. We were surprised that Finnish and Lithuanian culture is pretty similar and we had a lot to talk about. Some of us still keep in contact.

All in all the project was a great opportunity for us to improve our critical thinking and debating skills. It was very fun to make friends from other countries and talk about our similarities and differences.

We are very thankful that we got to participate in this event.

Lithuanian delegation 3

Lithuanian delegation 4